Friday 4 March 2011


"Lions in crisis: UK and US told they must act now

Lion population on verge of collapse
March 2011: The US and UK governments are being asked to take urgent action to help save the African lion, now seriously under threat."

I HATE hunting. I know there are some tenuous reasons that support hunting e.g. putting money back into
conservation but it is true to say that hunters and non hunters will NEVER find any common ground. For myself I cannot understand how anyone can find pleasure in lining up a magnificent animal like a leopard, lion or  rhino in telescopic sights and killing or yes, murdering it. If animals are culled due to over population or to actually eat then I can just about get my mind around  it, but to kill for actual pleasure - no, nothing will EVER seem right about that and no-one will ever convince me otherwise.

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